A team’s page helps site visitors know your team a little more closely. Whether it’s a picture or bio, the content on your member’s profile page helps your company and create a deeper connection with your site visitors.

Below you will read 5 reasons you should have a team’s page on your website.

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Company Culture Insight

Creating a team’s page add value by providing Insight info a company culture. It helps users relate and be inspired by the people that make the company. It’s an opportunity to show how the team’s shares a connected vision.

Showcase Individual’s Personalities

This is an opportunity to let your team members personality shines. Our dreams are goals and passions can be some of the ways we can make a connection with our website visitors.

During our initial intake we review some of the questions We Believe will communicate our target audience some of the personal qualities we feel is important to communicate.

Increased Engagement

The profile page provides additional opportunities for users to engage with the company.

A call to action coming from a person feels more natural and makes it harder to say no to an ask. 

Understanding roles

This page can help users and customers reach the right people. By elaborating on the team’s members experience and expertise you can facilitate and expedite the objectives of different business.

Link building

The ability to internally and externally build links is another valuable opportunity that can increase traffic to your website

It is up to the company to decide whether they want to promote social links to external social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Some companies hold off on allowing employees to link out to their social media platforms to in order to have a unified voice when communicating regarding certain aspects of the company play Slash agency Partnerships are important part of business relationships.


We took our time to highlight a few of the reasons 18-page is so important
Below you can see some of the examples the fs has helped in designing and implementing teampages.

  • If you’re interested in revamped in your current team page click here.
  • Test your skills take the quiz. Team page execution quiz (coming soon).