Here’s an example of a workflow we use here at Digital Flow State when onboarding a team member in need of a profile page on a website.

You can implement this workflow or modify it as you see fit. This is just one example. This will give you a highlevel overview of what to expect so that we can complete your team members page as fast as possible.

Step 1. Team Member Receives Welcome Email

In order to start the process we send a new team member a welcome email which include links to the following

  • Team profile page intake form

We educate the user with the objective of the web page and the call to action of completing the form.

PRO TIP Have an email template ready to go that you can send out every time there is a new team member being on board it to the company.

Step 2. Team Member Completes Intake Form

Prior to the webpage being completed, the account rep has had a meeting with the stakeholder to understand the questions to be asked for the web page. 

Step 3. Receives Completion Email

Once the user submits the intake form, the user will receive an automatic response with the next steps.

This automatic email lets the user know they will be receiving a new email message with a request to approve or edits to the profile page. 

Step 4. The web page is created

During this phase of the implementation, we will extract the data from the form submission and import the data to configure the new profile page. The layout of the page has already been determined prior to the user receiving the link to the forms page.

Step 5. Confirmation email

At this point, we have arrived at the final phase of the profile page. The user will receive the request the verification email.

Here are some of the things to look out for.

  • Typos
  • Misplacement of the responses

Once the form has been completed, the user will reply with a request for an update or an everything is good to go update.

Step 6. Page complete

At this point the task is complete. The page is ready. Here are some tips and ideas on how you can drive traffic to your page.

  • Add the URL to your email signature
  • Comment on post and include the link to your profile page
  • Add your profile link to your social media sites


This is a simple version of a workflow that you can use to help expedite the steps required to onboard a new team member to a web page. Feel free to modify the steps you need to take and optimize the workflow for your specific needs.